New Earth Superfoods is changing perspectives and changing lives for the better. Below are just a few of the testimonials that we receive on a regular basis from our customers.

There is no turning back now

I’ve done the full cycle as you instructed, and I never want to stop now!  I feel more amazing than I think I ever have!  I evidently wasn’t taking enough powder and not in the right proportions.  I can’t tell you how happy I am that you set me straight on course!  the barley mix at night is amazing, too.  i slept like an infant!   I feel awesome!  and I’ve hardly eaten, too!  I cant believe how good I feel!  I have more energy than ever and more positivity, and things just seem to fall into place without effort!  it’s amazing!  thank you sooooo much for getting me going on this program!  it is beyond amazing!  I so appreciate you and the work that you and Eva are doing!   I think I’ll pick up some Strawberry Ricocu next time I come.  that was heavenly!!!!  the berry taste is great, but the strawberry catapults me into in heaven!   actually, I’m in heaven now and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon!  love ya! and thank ya!  a million smiles….

– R


Success !!! Colitis relief

I wanted to let you know your recipe for Colitis relief was a BIG BIG hit.

We received a call yesterday from Nancy’s husband Roger (Arizona) who said she was elated with the results.  It was the first relief and elimination apparently she’s had in a long, long time.

For me, it’s exciting to know we helped somebody feel better.  Far more exciting and rewarding than doing electricity and natural gas deals.

I think she may have some questions moving forward, such as “Can I mix the ingredients with juice to make it taste better?”, but I’ll wait to hear from her.  She is going to send a thank you card.

Anyway, thanks to both of you.  I’m in love with the Cupuacu and the Extreme Berry.

– Robert K.


Amazed at the results

I have to say, I am amazed at the results of what your food has done in such a short time. The cheese was great with the crackers and on the veggie patties. That is amazing stuff. I do a lot of the berrry and gps. As always, I would like your opinion on what you think. Thank you so much for what you do. I have had a couple of days in a row of just your food and am looking forward to the complete transformation.

– Troy


From Kenny

As an athlete, I have always had an interest in nutrition to enhance my performance.  At 25 years of age, I was turned on to veganism.  For the next 6 years I did a lot of research and slowly transformed my diet into one that is 100% vegan.  I did not have any urgent health problems, I generally just wanted to feel better and avoid the diseases of affluence common in our culture.  About 6 months after going 100%, I had the urge to add variety to my vegan diet and meet other vegans.  This is when I found Rishi and Eva.  They were much more than what I was looking for.  They prepare raw, vegan food suitable for a 5-Star restaurant.  They also prepare raw, vegan snacks and powders for convenience. They’ve been doing this for years and have holistic and nutritional remedies for any illness out there.  Even though I was pretty happy with my health when I first met Rishi and Eva, I did commonly have stomach aches.  I had a few issues with my liver and digestive system common to anyone who has been eating animal products for most of their life.  I anticipated it would take a few years to completely work out these issues.  They had me go completely raw and take some herbal remedies.  Soon after they had me go on a juicing program.  Within a few months I had no more stomach aches.  Now its been over 3 years since I went on that juicing program and not a stomach ache since.  Even though I am around sick people all the time, I don’t get sick period … not even a common cold. In addition to preparing some of my own food, I continue to enjoy and benefit from Rishi and Eva’s products and advice every day.

– Kenny C.


More please

I’m thankful that my son-in-law Dave hooked us up with you. I love learning about all this stuff. (now retaining it is another story)

It’s been amazing watching my husband’s tastes improve since he doesn’t eat the animals and the by-products. Which in turned has stopped him from eating the junk with the artificial sweeteners. He is actually enjoying his food more. I’m slowly expanding his horizons with new recipes.

I would love to see you put recipes up on your web site.

After traveling to Sao Paulo Brazil, I learned I missed warm food. English is not a 2nd language there (Portuguese) and it was difficult to eat out. I hit the grocery stores because eating out could only consist of iceberg lettuce (that’s all they served) and balsamic. If there is a sauce and I don’t know what’s in it, it’s not going in my mouth. So having raw food recipes will be a big help when traveling.

– Cori L.


Thank you!

Thank you so much for the presentation, samples, and question and answer period today (2/25/2012 at New Frontiers). The smoothies were amazing and the truffles were too! I hope to keep in touch, attend more learning sessions, and continue my path of self-healing with the help and wisdom of folks like you. Thanks for your time, care, and concern. Physical pain I was having in my knee went away after the sample smoothies and truffle samples. I was truly impressed.

– Christy H.


Absolutely amazing!

This food is amazing! The best tasting, and most nutritious food I have ever had! Love the cookies. Absolutely amazing!

– Jared


Thanks a million!

After having been into raw vegan foods for decades, and having been on your foods for over two years now, I just want to say “thanks a million!” for all the research, effort, experience, and integrity you put into your high-quality foods, as well as the great service! Your food is my medical insurance program and already has paid off big time!

– Greg


Some positive feedback

Amazing…in every way… I will be back next week with Christina! Only sorry I didn’t discover you sooner!

– Satisfied customer