Candida is a fungus that normally inhabits the mouth, throat, gbastrointestinal tract and vagina. Under normal conditions, candida exists within us in a healthy balance, and the body’s immune system keeps it from spreading. When your immune system is strong, candida yeasts presents no problem. But, if you have a poor and sugary diet, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to toxins and stress and/or take antibiotics or other medications the good bacteria that prevent fungal infections from developing can get knocked out. Candida yeasts then multiply and further weaken the immune system.
Symptoms of Candida
Feelings of frustration and loneliness are common when dealing with a yeast overgrowth because Candida is evasive to much of the medical community. Here are some of the common symptoms:
• Gas, bloating and indigestion
• Bowel irregularities, constipation or diarrhea
• Food cravings especially for carbohydrates or sweets
• Mood swings or depression
• Headaches or migraines
• Menstrual problems and PMS
• Dry, itchy skin or hives
• Finger or toe nail fungus
• Vaginal yeast infections
• Itching or redness in body creases
• Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
• Weight imbalances (over or under-weight despite diet)
• Premature ageing
• Chemical sensitivity (especially colognes or fabric dye)
What You Can Do to Fight Candida – Probiotics For Candida
Probiotics are often used in the fight to reduce Candida overgrowth. Amounts used differ from person to person depending on a variety of circumstances like diet and condition.
Dietary Changes in Reducing Candida
Changing your diet is also recommend to control the Candida. Your diet should exclude fruit, sugar and yeast. Especially in the beginning of the treatment you have to be very strict and disciplined. If you cheat you’ll feel the effect of the Candida “monster”.
Anti-fungal agents have been traditionally used. The major anti-fungal prescription medications are Nystatin, Diflucan, Nizoral and Sporanox. Natural antifungal and antibacterial agents are garlic, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, pau d’arco, uva ursi, golden seal, caprylic acid and citrus seed extract. Fibers such as flaxseed powder and psyllium husk have been used as well.
Balancing Act
Generally speaking, proper diet, high potency and quality multi-strain probiotics and natural anti-fungal agents are essential in the prevention, control and elimination of Candida.
As the intestinal and vaginal microflora become balanced, you can tolerate a greater variety of foods. If you think you might have symptoms of Candida overgrowth, consult a health care practitioner who is familiar with this condition. Other conditions have similar manifestations. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment may cause these conditions to be overlooked.